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image of ron miller


Ron Miller



May through August

8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

September through April

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Maple Grove Cemetery on Valley Junction road is owned and operated by Miami Township, under the supervision of Ron Miller and crew. Burial sites are available at the cemetery and may be viewed and purchased at the site from the Cemetery Superintendent. Miami Township has expanded the cemetery over the last few years by buying and developing approximately three and 1/2 acres.


There are 2 cemeteries that Miami Township owns and operates:

  • Maple Grove Cemetery, 9570 Valley Junction Rd

  • Zion Cemetery, 4980 Zion Rd

NOTE:  all communications for cemeteries are submitted to 3780 Shady Lane, North Bend, Oh 45052 Attn: Cemetery

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